The Hermitage Hotel Mount Cook, New Zealand
Set in Mount Cook National Park, The Hermitage Hotel features a range of rooms and suites all offering majestic alpine views of Mount Cook and the Southern Alps. Situated at an elevation of 750 m in an intermountain valley, the hotel is regularly snow bound during winter.
Across the wider Hermitage development, a number of Electric Heating products have been installed for differing purposes.
Heating systems have been installed within the concrete decks to melt snow and prevent icing. The heating elements are controlled with DEVIreg™ 850 controllers and ground sensors.
Heating cables are installed immediately beneath the long-run iron roofing to prevent the accumulation of snow. The system is controlled by DEVIreg™ 850’s with roof sensors.
Heating elements are embedded within the gully drains between roof sections to maintain clear, snow and ice free drainage and is integrated into the roof heating controllers.
Heating mats for Comfort Heating were installed in latter stages of renovations within bathrooms.
Ice and Snow Melting Thermostats DEVIflex™DTCE-30